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Friday, May 19, 2006

The Braveheart

The last week has been pretty upsetting at the same time busy.
I was in receipt of two bad news, both that involved road accidents.
One incident that happened with my close friends who was hit over on to the other side of he highway by a car driving at 80 mph on a Highway in Atlanta. Thankfully, he escaped with minor injuries.
Two days before, it happened with a friend's dad back in India. His state is inexplicable, but currently he is at the threshold.
These incidents kinda make me wonder what it is exactly with life?? What kind of feeling one must be experiencing when someone is at close quarters like that??
I have never had any close brush with fatal accidents except for one time. We were driving at a highway in Minneapolis. My friend was driving the car and there were four of us in the car. So this dude, merges into the highway without giving an indication and enters our lane. My friend had no clue this was coming and without thinking twice, abruptly moved on to the left lane. Fortunately, for us no other car was coming in that lane. Otherwise, that would have been "THE END" for all of us. It would have been the most horrible accident.
It pretty much left me shaken and made me even more cautious while driving and not taking "life for granted"
Sometimes, I really raise my eyebrows when I hear someone having suicidal tendencies. When someone is ready to just consume that "bottle of poison" for practically any reason, be it "failure in exams, being ditched by their loved ones"
I might sound pessimistic at times, but killing yourself prematurely is something that I can never dream of. It can never be a "solution"
I get increasingly uncomfortable in hospital environment. Although, I spent all my time in the medical school. Today, I saw this not more than 4 years old kid being trollied in the hallway. The kid had all sorts of tubes and catheters on its body. The sight saddened me to no extent. When such a small thing can fight for its life on a hospital bed, we as healthy living beings do not have the right to end it for any reason.
Imagine people who are actually on the brink of life n death. They can see it coming from far off but still holding on to the strings of life. Thats what I call as "killer instinct" and a brave soul.
Sometime back, on Sayesha's blog I read a comment by Negative creep in which he said
"Death is what gives meaning to life"
So very well said..and whole meaning of life summarized by few words!

Comments on "The Braveheart"


Blogger Thanu said ... (6:16 PM) : 

I so agree re.. I can never understand y people kill themselves..


Anonymous Anonymous said ... (12:04 AM) : 

Maybe suicide happens in a state of mind that is not ordinary, and giving everyday reasons against it to the person might not be enough. And in an ordinary state of our mind, we may not even understand it. But 'The Braveheart' is really an appropriate title, most of the times, one can move on.


Blogger Princessse said ... (7:30 AM) : 

very beautiful .. love the sum up at the end ROS...


Blogger The_Girl_From_Ipanema said ... (9:01 PM) : 

hey! what? i don't rock anymore??
touching post, ROS. i hope your friend, and your other friend's dad both get better soon.


Blogger Abhishek Upadhyay said ... (4:58 AM) : 

A good post and thought as well.
Life is full of mysteries.You never know when a misfortune strikes you.
As for crazy driving, come to delhi....you will have good number of specimen.People drive car as if they are driving Boeing 747 in open air.Lane changes reckless driving is common thing.
I hire taxi from a regular guy and have to literally beg him to drive slow and carefully.
He is like "Sabzee, aap kitna darte ho.Kuch nahin ho ga."


Blogger The_Girl_From_Ipanema said ... (10:12 AM) : 

ignore my earlier comment..for some reason when i accessed your blog earlier that little "awesome you rock" box didn't pop up..but now it does!!


Blogger Sudeep said ... (8:10 AM) : 

hope ur dad's frnd recover soon...

i have brushed with death a lot times.. recent one was like 2 weeks ago n the swelling on my finger hasn't subsided
n it feels bad fallong over n over for no fault of mine but being banged in by ppl entering leisurely into the one-way

drive safe... live happy


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So you were saying....