Distant memories out of the closet
I wonder how I mess my apartment up! I am hardly home and also clean up my apartment every week! Today, as usual I was looking for something. Today it was a "clip" to tie my hair up. I manage to leave one in the lab and manage to sucessfuly break some of the banana clips. So when I was browsing through the mess in my closet.. I came across this. ![]() An Irish Handkerchief. Given to me in Lousiana by my Irish Professor for whom I was more of a daughter than a student. Even now, although its been more than 2 years that we have met, we connect in that manner. One professor who despite being 72, said "I am relentlessly young" For those of who, have never come across an Irish, one thing for sure is they have an extraordinary sense of humor. When I mentioned to my brother-in-law about him, he said "Just ask your profs to narrate you some Irish bar jokes" I approached him and asked him to tell me some. He smiled and said "Those jokes are the ones I could tell my wife but not to my daughter" His attitude is so much like "Morrie" from one of the most inspiring books I have read in recent times "Tuesdays with Morrie" There are some people who are absolutely inspiring. Although, I like a lot of people, there are very few ones to whom I look upto. On whom, I my level of trust can be equated to 'blind faith". He tops amongst those few people. I remember, one day while going down the elevator, when we were discussing some Indian recipe, he casually said "I believe, a woman should have a zeal for cooking. Otherwise, its no fun being a woman". Well, there were few other American women in the elevator too and obviously weren't too happy to hear that. We chuckled, but somehow he has been quite motivational for me to develop my interest in cooking. And then one day, on my first birthday in US..we celebrated my birthday by blowing one single candle on a muffin along with a cup of "English Blend Tea". Just him and me. The most memorable birthdays that I ever had. When he casually said "Just sit there. Women are supposed to sit there and look beautiful on their birthdays and enjoy the presents". Thats when he presented me with that handkerchief. For the fear of spoling it, I never used it. There are some gifts that are so special that although they are needed every waking day of your life, you dont get around using that! ![]() And then there are some gifts whose gift wrappers are also special:) coz they are just too precious to go into the trash:) |
Comments on "Distant memories out of the closet"
Very true some gifts are truly amazing.
All my wrappers go in trash, feel guilty throwing the pretty ones in there, but kay karu ghar mai jagah nahi hain
i m not gift person per se.. and honestly dont have memorable gifts... but thy r sum very random things i have stored.. the first ribbon ever tied by a girl on frdship day... one antique AUM kadda... aata usme se kuch dekha to memories just rush up thinking abt those...
well written !
I once had 3 huge boxes full of dried roses given to me by my friends, I love flowers and but naturally all my friends gifted them to me ( Sometimes I even forced them to buy me some flowers, sshhh lets not tell this to anyone OK) then I left for Nagpur, and my mom threw the boxes away, I cried for three days when I got to know that.
Sheessh I am such a fool. I used to collect gift wrappers, cards, momentos, but now only cards remain, some 1000 cards :)
Yeah honey I rock, and you rock too for putting that pop up :)
Well I came back to tell you that a female recently started talking to me in the train, she recommended that i read tuesdays with morrie, I have seen the movie, my best friend had asked me to pick a book I would want for my birthday, but I didn't know which book to pick, now thanks to you I will get Tuesdays with Morrie.
How come its only you who meet such intresting people.Once I read a post on the person you met who was hot shot...
Great yaar
aunty aunty,aajkal bahut senti senti..
u seem to meet all good ppl there.. the earlier meeting n now this gentleman.. gr8
btw, whts cooking up these days?
Hehe...interesting person. And that gift was soooo pretty. I'd have never used it either. ;)
"I believe, a woman should have a zeal for cooking. Otherwise, its no fun being a woman".
*Gasp, gasp, gasp*. *Shakes head sadly*
Nice blog - chanced on it thru Kusum's.
I have had a lot of Irish people in my life since I came here and I get along very famously with them!
They love the Indian culture and are suckers for Indian food too. I have given them enough recipes to keep them busy, and when they perfect the recipes they invite me over for dinner as the final test of their expertise.
The most charming talkers, best story tellers and complete softies at heart. You gotta love them and the lovely Irish presents they bring you!
good stuff....
You know.. I don't throw the wrappings of my gifts as well.
Sweet post!
Have had some Irish nuns in my school but could never tell them to share any jokes - they were so motherly!
(me so happy today - this page opened in 2 minutes!)
@Empty handed painter: Her birthday is coming up? She's a GEM? (this is confirmed now :P)
When? When? When? :D
Mine too..but this was something that stuck with me:)
//I always however tear up the wrapping paper//
Hehehhehe,,so very you;)
yep..do sunao me some jokes:)
//the first ribbon ever tied by a girl on frdship day... //
Heheheheh..totally cool..so u still remember the girl?:)
Even I got all my greeting cards from Kalyan! I couldnt trust that they would remain safe once I left home!
I havemt watched tye movie..but book is somethin I love! Glad you relied on my recommendation:)
Kya karen yaar..acche lohgon ko acche log hi milte hain;) heheheh just kiddin!
Maybe I got lucky:)
Oye..no senti venti here:P
Ya I sort of think so..met many nice non-indians;)
These days usal, misal, sol kadhi is cooking:P
#The Girl
Seekh le khana banana amrica aake vaat lagega naheeto:P
//They love the Indian culture and are suckers for Indian food too. I have given them enough recipes to keep them busy, and when they perfect the recipes they invite me over for dinner as the final test of their expertise.//
OH WOW..totally summed up my Prof's behavior!
They indded have lots of stories to share! Nice comment here:)
Thanks Mermaid!
//me so happy today - this page opened in 2 minutes//
Got to do something about it!!!
#Empty Handed Painter!
Nopes! none here knows my birthday:)
#The Girl
And what makes me a Gem, honey??
P.S:- I dont accept gifts;) I am going to be on the wrong side of 25:(
aare dont worry abt being on the wrong side of 25, join the 18 for ever brigade :)
And ROS tere gifts main lelun kya?? I am always wanting more of them anyways :) And Honey you are wrong, I know your bday *Evil grin*
Nice site!
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Nice site!
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