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Wednesday, February 21, 2007

A lot left unsaid

It was one of those quite wednesdays when I felt extremely hard to comprehend my thoughts. Hence could not find anyone with whom I can share all that I wish and want, hence I automatically logged on to blogger, only to realize even blogger has changed, eh:)
It says 'Switch to the new blogger' albeit I still have to figure out whats new in this:D
Today, I missed all of those buddies here (on blogger) who calmly listened to all my whinings patiently and offered a word of advise or two or whined with me together:(
I dont understand, what I was doing in the past 3 months since I last made that post, sharing my happiness with all of you:) and spending the better part of my youth behind closed doors of my laboratory..ughh
Besides, worrying about what the future beholds...
Its that when, I went back to 'SUNSCREEN' which acts as a therapeutic for me, each time I am low..I read some of its lines to me for the 'n'th time today...
"Don’t worry about the future; or worry, but know that worrying is as effective as trying to solve an algebra equation by chewing bubblegum.
The real troubles in your life are apt to be things that never crossed your worried mind; the kind that blindside you at 4pm on some idle Tuesday."
Maybe its true, nevertheless, I worry anyways..:
As I sit back on my couch typing this, all I see is the dawn of March 1...No..! I aint getting married or anything:P
But, it marks the first step I will be making towards the aisle...[Again I am not talking about walking down the 'wedding aisle':P] but the aisle which I dreamt to walk on since I joined my PhD program!
I wont get into the tchnical jargon of it, but only to say that, thats one day which holds the key to my future!
Two paths exist from there...either I be succesful or I be doomed...:O but in certain things of life the second options JUST do not exist!!! and in either ways, thats not the end of world...........
On the lighter side, Orkut has just been too good for me!!
I cannot believe the number of people I met whom I assumed to have disappeared from the face of earth!
One friend who dropped me a message 'Hi! do you remember me? We used to meet in Mumbai Locals' [yeay!aisa bhi hota hai..Yeh hai Bambai Nagariya]:)
Just last week, I had a friend from my 11th grade (back in 1995) visiting me after 12 long years!!!!
Thats precisely what the SUNSCREEN says as well
"Work hard to bridge the gaps in geography and lifestyle because the older you get, the more you need the people you knew when you were young"
Not many people, bother keeping in touch with friends from high school..and maybe our lives gets the better of us..but I have indeed been forunate of not letting friendships be a function of time and distance:)
And I am glad that of all the people that I could have been, I have made an excellent choice:P
Hope you guys still check out this space, and I promise to be a part of your worlds too:)

Comments on "A lot left unsaid"


Anonymous Anonymous said ... (12:31 AM) : 

Yeay!! Me first on this One...

Nice to see you blogging after a long time..come what may, for the things that give us pleasure in life, we always find a way of bringing them back in ;)

The second option JUST does not exist!
That's the way to go gal!! Failure is not an option!! :))

Go grab it what you so richly deserve!! No one's gonna come between u an that


Blogger Thanu said ... (12:46 PM) : 

I'll alwaz be here...


Blogger Apy said ... (12:48 PM) : 

tolya .. .Apy s gonna stick around.. as i said earlier.. ur one of those bloggers who inspired me to blogging....wen i wrote my first post.. how can i forget that...

keep writing... i ll keep visiting :)


Blogger Neihal said ... (8:51 AM) : 

dunno how I landed here:)
I have visited your blog in past, but never commented...so let me do it now :)


Blogger aria said ... (9:17 AM) : 

Kahaan gayab ho gayi thi... I kept wondering so now I do have the answer. As a "fellow-blogger" I can relate to your disappearing acts coz I do that myself... and the rest well ..
orkut . hmm .. have heard a lot about it but haven't ever checked .. must be aswesome meeting someone you met in a local train on the internet . .heh. kewl ..
New blogger sigh .. the only differnece I find here is .. the comments page takes eons to load .. it's actually more of a pain..
Finally ..Of course you will succeed. :)
Best wishes and do keep updating whenever you feel like...


Anonymous Anonymous said ... (7:59 AM) : 

Hey.. where were u all these days?? Keep writing!!! :)


Blogger The Girl Who Sold The World said ... (10:52 AM) : 

Hello ROS!
Howdy? Remember me? I used to bug you on Orkut. :D
Anyway, that SUNSCREEN is totally right! Worry never solved anything. Just worry only when you think you want your head to be blown off. :p
As for checking out your blog, I'm sure everyone of the old visitors pops in once in a while to check if you've blabbed something. After all, it's not hard to let go of Rays of Sun. :P
When's the next post happening? I'll put a reminder on my cellphone. :D
And good luck on that PhD. jazz...hope it comes out well! :)


Anonymous Anonymous said ... (7:07 PM) : 

hey !!
what is this sunscreen that you talk about ?? seems like a self help book ?

anyways, nice blog..
and oh yea, facebook is 100 times better than orkut, although, if u wanna meet friends back from india, orkut is still the way to go !!!


Blogger Rays Of Sun said ... (6:35 PM) : 

Thanks:) today I even felt like replying to the comments:)

I surely know so:D

apy makes me happy:)
thanks for not giving up on me!

oh hav you???that was an 'era' back though..these days I dont blog all that often:(thanks for coming though!!

so much to catch up on, eh:)
i havent checked any blogs recently:(
just a month to go though..then a new place new city will make me come back to it often:)
how have ya been?

thanks dear..i will try to:)

thanks baby:P
lolz@phd jazz..btw, how have you been? rocking Paris?:)

#neo amaan,
no no!! its a composition..you can check out th video n lyrics here

No re..one orkut is enough for a,lifetime as of now;)
Thanks for dropping by..hope to see you again!!


So you were saying....