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Monday, October 30, 2006


I know its a long long time!

And guys, am alive n kicking..so to speak:)

Cant say am THAT busy so as to no scribble a word or two but, I dont get profound thoughts everyday.

A LOT has curtailed since Sept 29th since I last made that post:)

Firstly, my blog turned 1 ALREADY on October 8th! Would not have remembered it unless Thanu told me. Both of our blogs are twin siblings:))

Time and time I am reminded of the old adage that says " The only thing constant is Change"

I believe I was born with that fortune of moving to places and constantly adapting to people, places and circumstances.

Maybe I am not just the one. Yet to meet someone who shares a similar (mis)fortune.

Started off from a small suburb of Bombay from where I moved first to go to Shreveport. Destiny brought me to Omaha, where I made my second home. Met great people. Had some bad experiences. But I sustained, rather still sustaining.

And I swore come what may, I am going to fly from this place with a degree. Come what the hurdle, I am going to bear it all.

Then came the news that my advisor accepted a faculty position at Cleveland, Ohio. Which is where the 'wheel of fortune' takes me. I bet this is going to delay my already-delayed PhD.

This too happens when I finish my qualifying exam before december of THIS YEAR.

This is one of the most dauntic tasks I have ever faced.

Overwhelmed-I am

Confused-Yes, I am

I have stopped asking the question 'Why me'..it somehow doesnt help the process.

Have seen a lot of transformation within myself, yet to see a lot more.

Life and something like that..is all I conclude!

Comments on "Globetrotting"


Anonymous Anonymous said ... (9:34 PM) : 

happy globetrotting... now Ihave place to visit in Clevland :)

thanu .. too lazy to log in re.


Blogger Rays Of Sun said ... (9:43 PM) : 

Haha! U never give up on me, do you:)
Waise, this is my first response to unanswered comments.
Duly apologize to all my faithful readers:))
And yes..ab to koi bahana nahi chalega;)


Blogger RP said ... (2:36 AM) : 

hmmm... so ye gonna go 2 cleve? hear its a pretty good place. hope that brings luck 2 ye. :-)
sorry 4 a silly que, does this move of yer advisor gonna have a gr8 gr8 impact on yer finishin phd?? in other words, is the delay gonna be very high? just curious.


Anonymous Anonymous said ... (11:43 AM) : 

Are u going to follow ur prof all the way to Ohio now????


Anonymous Anonymous said ... (10:09 PM) : 

Woah..shrevport, LA to Omaha..and now to cleveland..gosh. BTW..cleveland is awesome place you will love it. All the best! So when is the move?



Anonymous Anonymous said ... (3:22 PM) : 

wow. that sure is overwhelming. But you can add "expert at packing and moving labs" to your c.v :-)
jokes apart, hopefully the new place brings some unexpected advantage with it, that'll help speed things up.
best of luck!


Blogger Rajit said ... (5:34 AM) : 

hey! that's my title... :)
Just kidding....


Blogger Sudeep said ... (5:51 AM) : 

u moved to Cleveland?
konitari olkhicha aahe tikde.. will have to check orkut for tht


Anonymous Anonymous said ... (7:54 AM) : 

Whoa! Awesome, ROS! Congrats!! I think living in a new place is soooo much better than just simply visiting it like a tourist...you should rejoice that you're getting such great chances to live all across the US. :D
Good luck for the already-delayed PhD, by the way. :P

PS: Where's the treat? :D


Blogger Rays Of Sun said ... (11:17 PM) : 

I visited it n dint like it:(
Rude ppl:|
P.S;_ My advisor has given in writing more than a year to graduate:|


The other option does not exist:(

Yaar, feb ke baad..Cleveland was BIG for my taste:O One of the luxuries of living in Omaha is the friends circle and proimity to airport.Wahan pe I will have to drive 17 miles to the airport:O one way:|
Secondly, the rent..Man..am spoiled in Nebraska:P

//wow. that sure is overwhelming. But you can add "expert at packing and moving labs" to your c.v :-)//
Lol..that will give me a job of 'Mover and Packer' instead of 'Research Scinetist' job for which I am beling so much papad:P

Hehe good one:P That was unitentional:P

KElas ka re check?:P

I should be classified as 'Nomadic Tribe'[NT] hehehe
Thankie for the good luck:P
And btw, kaheka treat re? mere kharcha dugna ho gaya:P


Blogger Virdi said ... (11:14 PM) : 



So you were saying....