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Saturday, July 08, 2006

Whats goin on??

I dint have anything on my mind for a blogpost and its not even going to be a post I guess.

Just one of those days, when feel like writing something. Be it any thought..happiness, sadness, pain, joy. Just something to unleash..

There have been people asking me what I did for the 'supposed' long weekend! Hold and behold..I have no clue that we even had a long weekend!

I wasn't excited about being with friends on my birthday. Although, I could have managed to get some time off to atleast go for a dessert. There were fireworks on 4th of july. I was satisfied by merely looking at a few crackers that were being bursted from my balcony. I did not even go close to a mall to check on the 4th if july sales.

I have surprised myself several times in these few days. Surpised at my own thinking, my own confusion, my own direction in life.

Sometimes, its good to look at the 'lighter'side of life..thats why PhD comics helps me bring a smile on my face. Maybe somewhere someone went/is going through what I am right now.
Probably, I have just had too much of 'America'

Comments on "Whats goin on??"


Anonymous Anonymous said ... (12:48 PM) : 

What a post, its somewhere sounds true
for my life in US ....

Well well for me the supposed long weekend I spend in my office in front of my laptop programming some stuff :( ...

"I have surprised myself several times in these few days. Surpised at my own thinking, my own confusion, my own direction in life."
The same happens to me, I dont know why but it is true. The reason for me can be being alone in US.

"Maybe somewhere someone went/is going through what I am right now."
Well well this is also again true for me ... I am giving u a perfect company ROS .... dont worry I am also in the same ship ... sometimes I just feel like to get the hell out of this country and return to my India.


Blogger Y3 said ... (6:31 PM) : 

hmm... totally true.
sometimes I start reflecting on "How and Why" I am here.. why I am a graduate student when I could be someone else, like a sales rep for pharma company..:)
but "Lucky" and "esy" is not always the keywords we can apply to our lives...
a great chemist E.E. Reid once said -
"Those who love hard work and love it all the better because it is hard;
Those who try, but fail, and keep on trying;
Those who can suffer the loss of months of hard labour and start all over again;
Those who cannot be discouraged, no matter what happens;
...... are invited to undertake research"

I knew that I will have to suffer, I ll fail several times and I ll have to put labour of years and not months... and I knew I had to stop reading this quotation at the third line.....
But couldnt resist the temptation of reading the last 2 lines.. and here I am :)

we have become like that cingradella story in phDcomics :))


Blogger Rays Of Sun said ... (7:33 PM) : 

Interesting..both the commenters are from US..and both agree on most of what I thought was something I was suffering from:))
That loneliness phase is something, I suffer from quite a bit, especiallu during deadlines:)) [And thats precisely why I feel this way]Glad to meet u air:)) someone somewhere in San Jose is being friend in distress:)

Are waah..swaagat:)
And what a comment..awesome!U know when I was in Bpharm 'Bag gheeon firne' this thing dint appeal to me..but sometimes...I kinda think..we all go though a phase when we think 'Are we doing the right thing? when we think everyone else is in a better position than us'!
//Those who can suffer the loss of months of hard labour and start all over again//
It is so easy to quote that (whoever wrote it). If that is to happen to me I would ot have second thoughts to quit! Seriously...but a few days back I read a quote that said 'I am not smart. I just stay with problems longer'
Cingradella story sadly aint a fairytale;)


Blogger The_Girl_From_Ipanema said ... (9:06 PM) : 

oh man. you just stole my thoughts. :-)
cheers and hang in there, my favourite quote is "this too shall pass"


Blogger Apy said ... (6:35 AM) : 

*Maybe somewhere someone went/is going through what I am right now.*

U bet...
there r a lot of people who r goin through the same.. there s even a club.. wanna join..lol.. all applications are directed to Apy... lol..


Blogger Princessse said ... (10:39 AM) : 

Hey Sunshine, I totally and wholeheartedly support what wolf21281 has said... it's hardest to hold on when it's easiest to just let go. And the day we hold on when we could have let go, that is the day we have emerged victors over our own obstacles in life. I've been there ... and I've held on... and trust me, it's a WONDERFUL feeling!

Hang in there sunshine! :)


Blogger educatedunemployed said ... (1:20 AM) : 

You would be surprised to know how many people actually go through the excat same feeling.Misery loves company.It still sucks I know.I loved that cartoon.


Blogger if_tomm_comes said ... (10:02 AM) : 

ROS, I think we are all going through the 20-something crisis. You would be surprised to see many people feel the same way you do. Talk about being confused. I sat at home (partly because I was sick and partly because I dint want to do anything) for a week doing nothing at all. I wonder whats gonna happen of me. :))

Wolf, loved what you said but its easy not to quit when you know what you are figting for. When you do not know what it is that you want or what you are fighting for, it really becomes difficult, dont you think?


Blogger Sayesha said ... (12:15 AM) : 

I agree with If_tomm_comes, it's probably quarter-life crisis... hota hai baby... as long as you have pple around you who care, you'll breeze thru tough times too :)


Blogger Sudeep said ... (9:52 AM) : 

its a phase.. will go away soon

tk care n if possible take a nice break.. though again

pic motha tak na... dole gandle vachta vachta


Blogger Rays Of Sun said ... (9:54 PM) : 

#Ipanema Girl
Did I, Did I??

//Lots of people are watching your back//
Thats what scares me at times;)

//there goodwill is always behind you!//
That takes me through:)

..and when you get this strongest feeling to quit, that's when you should make your firmest resolve not to give up!//
Its hard to sustain interest when things go haywire..dont you think?? we still have
the hope that things will go as planned. And when they look nowhere in vicinity..you 'self-doubt':(

And I am glad u never quit:)

I am in:))Lol..u r funny!

Nice to c u here!!!!!!
Somewhere I read a cliched phrase that says"Quitters never win, winners never quit"
Hope somewhere down the line I win:))
I am suspended, princy:(

Misery loves company..WOW..very well said:)
That cartoon's my fav too:))

#If tomm..
20s to bahut door choot gaya re:))
But u were sick..that itself is a reason..and coz
we r so used to be on our toes that one day of no work..makes us feel jobless..

Here I go..zooommmmmmm:D (thats my way of breezing for today:))]

Te pic enlarge karoon vacch:)) chashma lag gaya hoga:P

Sometimes ppl dont fight for a cause, my dear:)
During trying times..its not easy to even think of a bigger picture..when all the sayings n quotes suddenly make no sense at all:(


So you were saying....