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Tuesday, August 29, 2006

To say goodbye to you

Since my childhood, we had this peculiar tradition of saying good-byes.

Basically, I lived in the ground floor and both my parents were office-goers, who worked in shifts to take care of me and sis.

So whenever me and tai went to school, mom/ dad would stand at the deck of our balcony and wave their hands. The balcony was visible even from a gate where we waited for our school bus. Making sure that we got into the school bus safely.

And this would continue until we were no longer visible.

The same would hold true for me. I used to sit in the kitchen window and scream 'Mummyyy!!!! byeeeeee...gharee lavkar yeeeeeeee" (meaning: Mom Bye. Come home soon.) [In a shrill voice. When every one in the colony came to know what shift ROS' mom worked;)]

Yesterday, I went to one of friend's house for lunch. She lives on the first floor. As I started walking back to lab from her house, I just turned around to take a look at the window.

But there was none who watched where I went!

And I smiled at myself..Habits die hard.

Dont know why, I believe this was the first time I ever looked at an empty window:(

Comments on "To say goodbye to you"


Anonymous Anonymous said ... (11:46 PM) : 

your post really made me sentimental..And what a coincidence!! I've written a dad's perspective..But here i've seen a daughter's!! I'm just feeling that i'm seeing Aarush here..
Thanks Kavi..

take care


Anonymous Anonymous said ... (9:20 AM) : 

touchy post!


Blogger Thanu said ... (11:59 AM) : 

I alwaz stand by the door and stare till the person disappears from view.


Blogger Sudeep said ... (2:01 AM) : 



Blogger Virdi said ... (1:49 AM) : 

mast likha hai yaar... but i hope u didnt see the movie "KABHI ALVIDA NA KEHNA" if u have seen then teri meri dosti mein daraar aa gayi...


Blogger Rays Of Sun said ... (5:37 PM) : 

Ya..that one from DTPH ;) haha..good u reminded me..;)

I would love to be as old as Aarush:)


I remember;)

Why r u laughing so much:O

Dekh leee..sadoo movie:|
Dost dost na raha-----------


Blogger Abhishek Upadhyay said ... (2:01 PM) : 

That was really such a sweet post.
After teaching kids to say 'Mummy','Papa' isnt Tata and bye bye the next thing we teach them:)

My younger sis still has habbit of saying Bye bye while going out.


Blogger Sudeep said ... (12:50 AM) : 

laughing nahi smiling hota te vedu.. liked the post but havent experienced anything like tht myself


Blogger Rays Of Sun said ... (10:23 PM) : 


True..very true!!!
Aur what is ur habit eh:)



Blogger R said ... (8:11 AM) : 

I wonder how'd that feel. Better not notice the next time!


Anonymous Anonymous said ... (5:52 AM) : 

touched a chord somewhere within ....kavitha:)


Blogger aruna said ... (8:51 AM) : 

Good Post! I have the same feeling when I come home from work. Its good when someone is already home, but its gives a tired feeling when you are the one to open the empty house.


So you were saying....