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Tuesday, July 11, 2006

Blowing my top off!

This is going to be a hardcore rant! So if you people are here for a good read, please exit the browser now!

I walk in to my office, get myself a cup of coffee and start working on my computer. An hour later, I checked Google News and to my utter shock saw an article about 8 Mumbai blasts! My eyes popped out and I wanted to make sure this was for real. So I clicked on each and every link I could find and read about what happened for two hours straight!

Finally after I thought I had enough information, I started getting angry. I was freakin' pissed at what had happened. First of all, I'll state the obvious - innocent people were killed and injured. Secondly, what was the Indian govt's initial reaction? "We are calling a 'high-level' meeting which will be attended by the Home Minister, CM of Maharashtra, the Railway Minister and others" said the PM. OK so what exactly is a 'high-level' meeting? You will see. A couple of hours after the 'meeting' the PM makes an announcement to the media. He says "Indians are a peace loving set of people and I am sure people will not take law into their hands and solve this issue peacefully". What the hell is wrong with this dude? Just because we have been silent all these years, these goddamn terrorists keep attacking our cities. You have to fight fire with fire! Why does India boast of their vast military if they don't wanna use it? What purpose does it serve? If blasts rock Indian cities, there should be a counter attack on terrorist camps. Blow them apart. Convey a stronger message.

And after the blasts, the railway minister announces that he is going to make a trip to Mumbai. What the hell is going to do there? The dead sure don't want to see him. Why would the injured want to? If he is so concerned, coordinate relief efforts and spend that first class air ticket money on the relief efforts, whatever negligible amount it may sound to you! Get people to hospitals! Rush them to hospitals!

This is just a portion of the rant I wanted to type out. I know it's not going to serve any purpose. And yeah, this is not ROS writing. This is her friend Vikram Kulkarni and I forgot my password to my blogger account so I borrowed her password. That's another thing, I hope Blogger dies!! I have been emailing them to send me my password since morning! They still haven't done that.

OK... message to the PM of India... please retaliate now!!! let's not be sitting ducks anymore!!! it's high time they got a taste of their medicine!!!

Comments on "Blowing my top off!"


Blogger Rays Of Sun said ... (11:22 PM) : 

Hahahahaa..'YOU'dint reveal your name..Ullo:P
Ppl can tell that this was not ROS..ROS ko kabhi gussa nahi aata:P and she never talks politics:P:P:P
Now sleep peacefully:))
I know, I had been preoccupied with my stuff thats why did not check the ghastly images..Want to attack India..Attack the railways..heartline of India!
Bloody terrorists!!!:X(


Blogger Virdi said ... (11:26 PM) : 

:-( but whom do we kill??



Blogger Virdi said ... (11:27 PM) : 

arre ROS usne bola toh, yeh dekh>>

This is her friend Vikram Kulkarni and I forgot my password to my blogger account so I borrowed her password.



Blogger "the girl who ate everything and didnt even burp" said ... (4:20 AM) : 

go vikram!


Anonymous Anonymous said ... (12:45 PM) : 

AGREE with you completely!!!
I hope the so called "guardian" ministers, security personnel and law-makers wake up..
newys..Mumbaities ROCK!! sight of people helping each other and getting back to work next morning should send a clear message to the perpetrators that we dont FEAR!!


PS: sorry for a long comment, cudnt help it!!


Blogger educatedunemployed said ... (6:58 PM) : 

I read where you are coming from.I guess tolerance isn't a rewarded virtue after all.Some thing needs to be done.How and what,I doubt we have perfect answers for just yet.

And ROS..You rock.This is so sweet of you to let that dipwad of Vikram to use your blog.


Blogger Apy said ... (10:20 PM) : 

Hope none of ur friends or family were affected by the blast..


Blogger Sudeep said ... (3:19 AM) : 

Tuzhe je kuni aahet te sagle thik-thak aahe ka mumbai madhye?


So you were saying....