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Monday, April 09, 2007

The million dollar question

Tring Tring!
My phone rang for the 8th time on this lazy sunday.
I reached my phone, flipped it open, reached for the END button.

This has been my routine for past several weeks. Although, none of those calls are from some hyper uncles and aunties asking me to get married.

All those calls are from some of my long time friends, some acquaintances, and some newly introduced people.

There were times when I would chalk out a schedule, whom to call and when to call XYZ. When I would get agitated if a friend dint call me for several days in a row.

I still maintain that I am quite social and not a recluse. I still get out with some buddies for dinner/lunch/coffee but I mingle with selected people amongst whom I can breathe..

And most of those phone calls are from fellow graduate studemt friends..one who says 'Yes..I am writing my thesis. Boss asked me to defend in July. Looking for jobs'

The other says 'Yeah..close to finishing up'

Yet another friend 'Zee' who came along with me to this country says 'I just attended an interview at Yada Yada university in Timbaktoo..I am hopeful I will land up with that one'

Then comes the questionnnnn 'Sooooo...how close are you on getting your PhD'?

There is no avoidance to that one. The inevitable always happens.

My answer sounds like a broken record 'Ya..I am working on my Qualifyin exam. My boss just moved. I will move with him too. I have to yet publish"

So much so that, I myself have gotten sick and tired of my own answers. They all have good intentions. But some questions do hurt when you yourself are clueless about the ongoings of your own life. When you yourself are not the only one to decide the course of your life. When there can be several alternatives to one problem.

When life just does not give you an answer in a YES or a NO!

Comments on "The million dollar question"


Blogger Thanu said ... (11:49 AM) : 

Call me anytime and we can chat abt food, weather, guys ....


Blogger Jina said ... (6:35 AM) : 

Sometimes life says YES and gives what you want..
Sometimes it says WAIT and gives you something better
Sometimes it says NO and gives you the best at its own time...

Some funddo person has told me this..it stuck on my head..:)

Hugs[ hopefully u wud take that even if u dont know me]


Blogger Mr Underwriter said ... (7:12 AM) : 

Thank you for visiting my blog and leaving a note! Your appreciation is....err....well..... appreciated! Just curious to know how you stumbled upon it.



Anonymous Anonymous said ... (2:31 PM) : 

Wow, you sound just like me, avoiding the phone, for all the same reasons!


Blogger Rays Of Sun said ... (2:52 PM) : 

Those talks brighten up my every single day:)

One of the most magnificient piece of advise, I heard in a long long time! Thanks to whoever passed it on to you:)
BTW, a hug is always welcome..we all need one:)

Thanks for stopping by:) And I shall let the curiosity bug 'bug you a little longer:) There are some things that are better off kept secret:)

#Bawra mann,
Welcome to my dying blog:D
WOW, really? Am glad that I am not the only one..Thanks fr the reassurance:)


Blogger if_tomm_comes said ... (7:26 PM) : 

I totally understand what you are saying. I have been in kind of a similar situation for a long time and maybe still am. But now I think I am getting the hang of me not being able to decide about my life, me being clueless about things happening. Hopefully its all for the best. :)


Blogger The_Girl_From_Ipanema said ... (5:58 PM) : 

here's a (hug) and some effective answers i came up with over time to deal with such numbskulls (some from my blog-readers)

q: when are you graduating?
a: kya tum meri mummy ho? (Classic!)

q: when are you graduating?
a: what's in it for you?

q: how much time is it going to take you?
a: how long hv you been in grad school? you should know better than to ask silly questions

q: so, when are you graduating?
a: here's by boss's number- call him and ask him.let me know what he tells you

q: so when are you graduating?
a: don't know. not in any hurry. are you?

:) best wishes and don't let those inconsiderate grad students get to you. like many other things, a thick skin is what is needed.


Blogger The_Girl_From_Ipanema said ... (6:03 PM) : 

hehe- i meant some of these answers shd be credited to my blog readers, not that some of the numbskulls were my blog readers ;)

don't mean to blogwhore, but you can try these posts if it helps :)


Blogger The_Girl_From_Ipanema said ... (6:09 PM) : 

and congrats on your fellowship- i just saw a few posts below- that is what you should tell those buggers- i dunno when i'll graduate, but i just won a prestigious fellowship, and am very happy about that for now. gradn will happen.

sorry for so many comments- its just that i feel your pain and tend to get very defensive about this. ;)


Anonymous Anonymous said ... (11:44 PM) : 

To all these questions, my friend used to give a classic Mexican answer - MaƱana!!
And a picture of a Mexican in his Sombrero, dozing away in the Sun, with a Let-the-world-wait kinda attitude!

That'll fix them...


Blogger Sahasra said ... (8:58 AM) : 

For married like me,the Q at some point of conversation is"when are U having kids???"

Most ppl are too eager abt our life than us and their own life....Smile back or ask them when they want...this works :))


Blogger Kiran said ... (12:14 PM) : 

thats cool kavitha...how have you been all these days???


Blogger The Black King said ... (4:42 PM) : 

How about, "I don't plan to graduate anytime soon... and I so tottally don't like the concept of marriage. I'd want to be a spinster" :D

That will quell some doubts


Blogger Sahasra said ... (10:29 PM) : 

Hey,stuck with phone calls or wat???jus kidding!!! waiting for ur post...


Blogger arpana said ... (6:33 AM) : 

Take care, and let life take its course. Life is too important to be taken seriously, esp when seriousness is induced by the "bugging others".


So you were saying....