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Friday, October 14, 2005

There's something about mornings!

They say, you should always try doing things differently.

Today, I tried doing the same.

As easy as it sounds, sometimes even when a task appears to be quite easy, can be quite an ordeal!! So far in three years of graduate school, I have never ever attempted to come and start my lab work before 7:30 (the earliest, so far in my record)

I can never put myself to sleep anywhere before 1:00 AM, so taking myself to school before sunrise or close to that, is something that is almost as good as a marathon task for me!! Though I can comfortably burn off the mid night oil:D

Even with three alarm clocks and innumerable snoozes, I cannot!!

The task seems even more effortful, when I am about to fly somewhere on an early morning flight!

I would rather not sleep the whole night, in that case. The turmoil that I undergo is just too much! It might not be an exaggeration, but its one of my worst nightmares to miss an event only coz I was busy cuddling the pillow:) (pun not intended)

So, today, with little help of Jasmine (poor girl manages to wake me up at 5:30 AM, when required), I decided to experience aura of the dawn. What more, I have finished the entire days work in those couple of hours. Have an entire day for myself, when I can do all that I want to..

The feeling is awesome!

The killer instinct and starting off afresh is something that brings some sort of positive energy within you.

Few advantages that I have realized, of coming to work before the entire world awakens:
· Well, you can get done with your work even before the junta, warms up with their coffee:)
· No parking hassles
· You can sing, dance do whatever in the hallway and no one would watch:))
· Envy of all students! This one takes the cake. They label you as ‘trying to make impression’
· Boss ki aankhon ka taara, I don’t know, but somehow coming to work early is an indication of how hardworking you are. Even if you come at 10:00 AM, you are labeled as the laziest bug, good-for-nothing student, who is not serious about studies and life in general. But, that is a totally false belief, coz it doesn’t really matter how and when you get your work done in a day, as long as you do it.
· You can work hard as well as play harder. Everything fits into your routine; gym, tennis everything
· You can have a rocking social life as well, which is currently not at its best:(Sigh.

After all “The sun is but a morning star" as said by Henry David Thoreau, Walden”
No wonder “Suryanamskar”is considered to be the most complete form of meditation.
Now, all that I wish for is, to get going with this same instinct

Thinking of this song by Beatles, on a bright and sunny day, i.e today

I need to laugh and when the sun is out
I've got something I can laugh about
I feel good in a special way
I'm in love and it's a sunny day
I hope the feeling lingers!

Comments on "There's something about mornings!"


Blogger jeenu said ... (11:51 AM) : 

hi ROS,
nothing beats getting to work early..my boss is an early morning person ..so getting to work early has lot of perks free early morning breakfast..is one of them other than that we can informally talk about research and other things...it kinda turned me in to a morning person..:)


Blogger Thanu said ... (12:08 PM) : 

Every night I go to promising myself I'm gonna wake up at 6.00, but never happens. So true abt coming to work early. I wish I could be morning person, but love to sleep.


Blogger Sayesha said ... (12:41 PM) : 

Haha! Welcome to my world of waking up at 5 am! :D


Blogger Rays Of Sun said ... (5:00 PM) : 

# Jeenu

Naah! me aint lucky..we dont get any breakfast:))
Hmm..but I had a long day, despite having started my day much earlier!


hey, I dont sleep a lot! but I sleep late..thats the problem..:))

# Sash,
Wow..5 am!! If I get up that early every single day..I will probaly become a psycho!! and sleep deprived!!!


Blogger Sayesha said ... (7:19 PM) : 

//Wow..5 am!! If I get up that early every single day..I will probaly become a psycho!!

Haha! Now you know why I am who I am! ;)


Blogger Rays Of Sun said ... (7:28 PM) : 

# Sayesha,

Good morning gurlie:-)I think you are up:D


Blogger Bhole said ... (8:25 PM) : 


When I was in school I was the only one who had class at 8.00 in the morning...for 3 semeters. My room-mates would sleep till late and I would be up early :( Even when I was a Research Assistant I would get up early and be in office :)

Now its 5.45 am eveyday....including weekends :)



Blogger vi said ... (9:35 PM) : 

So you seem to be a believer in:
"...early to bed and early to rise makes a man healthy wealthy and wise..." (excuse the gender-biased language!)

I am totally not a morning person...:(



Anonymous Anonymous said ... (1:08 AM) : 

I have been looking for sites like this for a long time. Thank you! »


So you were saying....