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Thursday, January 05, 2006

Of changes and adaptation

All changes, even the most longed for, have their melancholy; for what we leave behind us is a part of ourselves; we must die to one life before we can enter another. ~Anatole France
They say, change is the only thing that remains constant in life.
Thats the eternal truth.
But, how many of us are actually open to accept changes without having second thoughts about it?
Be it a change for good and even if it is something that we have always looked forward to. Sometimes, the change occurs within ourselves and we find it difficult to find a completely different person from before.
And you look at yourself in the mirror and find a new you and you know it.
I am such a person, who wants change and went the change actually occurs, I think back that whether the change is for good!
I am not talking about small day to day changes, but events that might change your life completely.
You know, when you have the innate "Fear of stranger".
I have lived in the same city and same house with the same neigbors and grew up with the same friends for 22 years before embarking on a journey so long.
I wanted to try something new. Wanted to enjoy a life away from the cozy warmth of home and warm embrace of family. In fact, I booked my flight tickets 20 days before the classes were to start.
The moment I boarded the flight, I realized that it was a change that I was not looking forward to. Skeptical about new friends, new place and new country.
Eagerly awaiting a new future, yet apprehensive about accepting this drastic change.
Life changes at the drop of a hat and more quickly than the rate at which you sneeze.
I sometimes find myself utterly confused as to what I want and my understanding about myself.
I like being by myself and guard my independance. In this 25 years of existence, I have sailed comfortably. Being socially active is another thing. But, there are certain times that are "my own" and I shudder at the thought that that time will not be enirely mine and someday maybe I wont get that time!
For eg:- Simple changes, such as-
  • When, I was growing up, I had this obsession of reading the morning newspaper the first thing after I wake up along with a steaming cup of tea in my hand. It was more like a religion, coz I practised it diligiently. Even the news paper vendor was cautious of my temper when he did not arrive on time, especially on the weekends.

Not having the liberty of reading TOI in US was a big change for me, then. I substituted that by moulding myself by reading the online edition along with a coffee. Even now, I do not open my email unless, I am done with this.

  • I am not a morning person. I generally do not talk to people until the lunch time. After exchanging good mornings, I revert back to making my "to-do"list for the day and opening my email and reading emails. But, the difference, here is I do not reply to them until afternoon. Thats the way, I have always been.

My family always understood me and never asked me to talk even if I was at home. Somehow, my sister forgot about it, this time when I went home and when she saw me quiet, she wondered if I was finding it difficult to adjust in India:O

The question here is: Someone might not be able to understand this. This behavior is normal for me, but others might interpret as moody?

  • I was extremely used to talking to a friend of mine R, for almost more than an hour every night in India. We had fun filled conversations and not a moment of sadness. The phone would ring at wierd hours at 1:00 AM-2:00 AM. When she would ask "Kya re moti, so gayee kya?"

I found it extremely difficult in the initial stages when I would try to save money and not make those regular phone calls to India. Listening to her voice every night was not an everyday affair now. Now, she is married and it goes without saying that it did not happen this time when I went to India.

Same might apply to others, who are so used to sharing those conversations which may sound mundane, but it hits you when you are not able to have those conversations again.

  • For as long as I remember, I have always put myself to sleep by reading a book. In the initial stages of life, it was Enid Blyton, comics, Panchatantra. It was a change to start reading some serious stuff later on. In the teenage years, I also tried reading female magazines. Finally, I resorted to reading "Ayn Rand" and Philosophy stuff and alternating between any good book be it fiction, spirituality etc.

Now, I think its been a month that I have read a good book and put myself to sleep. These days, reading a good book has been replaced by reading Journal papers and abstracts. I do feel stagnated. The only time, I find myself comfortable is when I go to Barnes & Nobles on a friday evening. I so do not wish to give up on that. Those few hours in B&N are entirely mine. I have read "The Alchemist" in a period of one month at B&N:)). In the future, it might be replaced by something else.

I am not complaining about anything. We eventually adapt to situations. We mould ourselves that way. Willingly or unwillingly. Most of the times, we do not have an option. Either ways it is fine. Both the states are OK.

The problem is the transition phase, which is the hardest. According to me, thats the most confusing phase in one's life.

Comments on "Of changes and adaptation"


Blogger Ginkgo said ... (5:46 PM) : 

oh my....here...hold my hand..

I'll walk u thro it :-P


Anonymous Anonymous said ... (11:14 PM) : 

"Change is inevitable. Change is constant"
Logically, it makes sense but very difficult to accept in life. I wonder if there can be some way of erasing your past memories then it would be so easy to adapt to any change.
Is that possible?


Anonymous Anonymous said ... (11:28 PM) : 

So true... The interesting thing is that adaptation is one our strongest suits. If we weren't capable of it, we wouldn't have survived so long since life, on earth, began.

When we don't have a choice, we are able to adapt very easily. But when we make a choice and wonder "what if i chose differently...", we find it a lot harder. Maybe if we could make our choice, and then just convince ourselves that it was the only way to go, the transition might be a little easier...


Blogger aria said ... (12:46 AM) : 

In my case most of the times - all changes are forced upon me .. so I have no other choice ..
For a long time I have been thinking - I need to create a "change" - that too a massive one. Lifes really mundane n boring - if it goes on n on at the same pace for a long time.


Blogger Kaala Kavva said ... (2:46 AM) : 

Kya re moti, so gayee kya ?


apun ka thinkin bole to->
change to aata jaata rehta hai
goli maar.. jo hoay, ash kar.


Blogger Planck said ... (3:06 AM) : 

as they say,
change's the only thing constant in life and I surely agree when you say the trasition phase is the most difficult one. But then, its better than monotony.


Blogger Sudeep said ... (3:56 AM) : 

One of the best personal posts i have read till now.. n i m not exaggerating

Reminded me of the book Who Moved My Cheese

chal take care.. change tar jivanat honarach


Blogger Thanu said ... (8:43 AM) : 

change is good else life gets monotonous. chal yaar see ya monday. checked ur blog b4 i left at 7.00 am


Blogger Kiran said ... (10:25 AM) : 

:( :( hate changes atleast for now,, my prof needs me to make 20 changes in jus 5 pgs of thesis proposal...leave it

finding a different version of ourselves seems quite unwelcome but if it needs, we cant elude that ..


Anonymous Anonymous said ... (5:45 PM) : 

Yes it is true. Cahnges are inevitable and there is a lot of resistance/inertia to changes. The primary reason for this I believe is we get comfortable in what we do and this creates a comfort zone around us and as is human nature, we do not want to get out of it. But the key here is "Is the change good?" The real answer to this question is attained only after experiencing the change. Anything before that is just a perception and is more biased towards being in the "comfort zone".

Irrespective of good or not, any change in life should be taken up as a challenge and an adventur, a mission to accomplish. Well thats my take on change in life. Though, I completely agree to it that the hardest time is the phase of change.

Nice blog !!


Anonymous Anonymous said ... (7:24 PM) : 

I hear you ROS.
Your last para wrapped it up very well.


Blogger Rays Of Sun said ... (12:31 AM) : 

Thanks Gi:)

Yeah for me it was the other way round:O

Well, change is important, I feel and resistance to change is not good for personal development I think. I was talking about adaptation which is the key!

//When we don't have a choice, we are able to adapt very easily//

So true!
But, if you consider alternate choice,its always going to be harder to trsut your choices!!


Forced changes...yep! exactly...onw of the changes where you dont really have an option...

Woh gaana yaad aa gaya..
"Ash tu kar baba, ash tu kar duniya jaaye tel lene ash tu kar":)))

#Colorful Sneha!

Woh bhi sahi hai:)

Are thank you re...change hotach rahnar te hi barobar aahe:)

Okie yaar..enjoy your anniversary:)
Shall talk to you kal!!!


Hmmm...I am skeptical about changes that might change my life!

Are are...kar le yaar sirf 20 changes hai:D

#Anonymous who is not so anonymous!
Hmmm...You already know what my thinking is:)

Hmmmm....thanks girlie..Shall write a reply to your email soon:)


So you were saying....