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Thursday, February 16, 2006

Hamaree Pathshala

I am taking a class in Statistics after a gap of one year!
Needless to say it is plain boring and I hate it, especially coz it is in the evening twice a week.
So this was a Yahoo conversation between a friend of mine and me few days back.

Me: (1/18/2006 3:34:48 PM): mujhe class ko nahi jaana
Friend: (1/18/2006 3:34:54 PM): shut up and go
Friend (1/18/2006 3:35:05 PM): behave like a big girl
Me; (1/18/2006 3:35:41 PM): jaana to hoga..
Me (1/18/2006 3:35:43 PM): :((
Friend (1/18/2006 3:35:57 PM): call me after u get done

This is my state of mind almost everytime I go to the class!

This stats lesson is the second of the two parts we are required to take. Things were very different in both these parts!

Apart from the Professor even the students are not the same.
On the first day of my class, I entered a class full of 5 students!! Thats all!

Not one familiar face!

Out of the 6 students including myself, there are three girls and two guys and one another guy.[I have a reason why I am mentioning that guy as 'one another guy"] Read on..

The two guys are plain boring. Have you seen guys who have a frown on their face? whose face is as plain as a starched shirt!

I dint bother to smile at them after that!

So well then another "person"walked inside the class, with hair that reached the back, curly and thick! and a face so cute! and wearing a nice heavy jacket and sat comfortably on the chair tying the hair with a rubberband!

I started staring at the person continuously. Quite unusual for me to do that! I was trying to place him. Are isko pehle kaheen dekha hai types! and I think the person noticed it and was quick to retort, "Hi! I was the guy who sat in the first bench last year. Only thing is I have grown my hair long"

I was embarrased!

Next, there is this girl who moved from Santacruz, California!
Well, again quite unusual of me but I ran into a misunderstanding with her.

We decided to meet up for working on an assignment at 6:30 AM on one of the days!

Well, I know it was bad on my part..but being a late night person..I overslept only to find out that I got up at 7:30 AM.

Worse, I did not inform her or apologize to her.

2 days later, in the class..she blasted out at me.

Well, I have a huge problem with going and confronting to somebody, so kept my mouth shut and called her back later!

That was that.

So right now, my stats class is as boring as can be.

I miss that 65 year old army veteran who took the class with me last year! He retired from military and wanted to become a teacher. It was a time well spent interacting with someone his age. Someone who has been in a noble profession. Has done his bit for the Country, has accomplished something in life. A satisfied life. But, someone who still has aspirations. Someone who still relates to a person atleast 40 years younger!

They make great conversationalists!

I think we all need a friend who is so experienced in life!

The other was a Russian friend of mine. The guy was amazing! Wore a proper mink coat and drove a BMW Z6 convertible and who gave me a lift from my school to that campus..and it was amazing to get off from a swanky car:).

Funny, he used to narrate all unbelievable stories that dealt with how he dated a beauty queen in Russia!

For every help that I offered with the assignment, he treated me to "Baklawa"

Coming from that environment, this one is so unconducible:(

I miss those folks!!

After all a classroom is more about classmates than about the class!

The Dev Anand song going on the background is reflective of this thought:

Jeevan ke safar mein rahee,

milte hain bichad jaaneko,

aur de jaate hain yaadein

tanhayee mein tadpaneko!

P.S:Whoa! finally managed to post this one after a month!! and believe me the feeling about this class still remains unchanged:(

Comments on "Hamaree Pathshala"


Anonymous Anonymous said ... (6:20 PM) : 

looks like again i am the first one and looks like u have forgotten me so i guess i ll lose myself in the wilderness of anonymity :)


Blogger Rays Of Sun said ... (6:22 PM) : 

#Hey Mr. Anon!
My stat counter doesnt get updated that soon for me to recollect!
Not being able to come up with "Your name" and since you choose to play-in-the-dark, you cannot blame me! Please feel free to reveal yourself!


Anonymous Anonymous said ... (7:00 PM) : 

its not playing in the dark...its something called needing to create a password everytime i try to login...i hope u remember me now...


Blogger Thanu said ... (8:01 PM) : 

I used to me of those kids who loved math and alwaz made good grades in math and tutored other kids. But Stats and Probablity wasn't my cup of tea. I hated that class...and was glad when it got over...

Good Luck..


Blogger Thanu said ... (8:10 PM) : 

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Anonymous Anonymous said ... (9:16 PM) : 

Hey How can you hate stats? It seems your prof is not good..
It has such a good application in real world. I know 90% of the girls don't like mathematics, seems you are one of them :)

Do you know most of the phenomena on this world can be described with few number of probability distributions? Sounds confusing :)Probability n stats was one of my favourite subject in my undergrad...So in case you need some tips let me know :)

Btw, nothing special in V's day, just spent two good hrs in gym. Last week I became mama.I 'm very excited..I have to buy some nice gifts for her..Any suggestion? Something very useful and which is not easily available in India?

Miss it seems you never check your emails or do you just ignore others' mails..just kidding


Blogger Virdi said ... (5:28 AM) : 

appni toh pathshala
masti ki pathshala
na koi padhne wala
na koi padhane wala
saab koi naachne wala
masti ki pathshala



Blogger aria said ... (11:13 AM) : 

I hated all kinda classes. :D
Btw - yes class room is more abt class mates .. esp if it got some hunks I won't mind going back to pathshala!


Blogger R said ... (11:14 AM) : 

Yesss! Its all about classmates until ofcourse its my advertising lectures that i dont give a damn to anyone around..!


Blogger Planck said ... (11:54 AM) : 

Class was always boring. It was always the friends part that has encouraged me to go :)


Anonymous Anonymous said ... (2:40 PM) : 


Good question..I am with you :)


Blogger vi said ... (10:22 PM) : 

Hi K,
Meeting at 6.30 AM? Thats early!
Totally would understand no-one showing up for that one :)



Blogger The Girl Who Sold The World said ... (7:01 AM) : 

Yeah, exactly...what's a class without classmates? School's no fun without friends...a teacher is there just to show us his/her stupid, pathetic face..."another brick in the wall". (With due apologies.....to Pink Floyd...NOT to the teachers)
Don't worry about the Stats class...you'll pull through. In case you get too bored, study a little and then, start imagining the most dreadful things that could happen to the people you hate...it's fun. I swear it is.


Blogger Shriedhar said ... (8:45 AM) : 


not analysed....

not tried to understand ...

only read .


Blogger Keshi said ... (8:17 PM) : 

Stats is boring! I did it in my Masters as a co-subject and hated every bit of it...



Blogger Sudeep said ... (9:59 AM) : 

U know wht i remembered


ROFL... he he he

okie okie... chill... marnyachi kahi garaj nahi

tying hair with rubberband... shit!
doesn't tht guy know cool headbands.. ghati US

tula ragavlya baddal tya mulila majhyakadun ek pa.. uhh.. ek thnx mhanun tak... aadhicha mich dein


Anonymous Anonymous said ... (12:18 PM) : 

I could not stand Stats too, but thankfully the Prof was really sweet and very patient with all of us and explained things a million times if we asked a million times, and gave us frequent mental breaks :-)). I never will "choose" to take a Math class ever though
:-). I agree....friends in class make the experience that much more worthwhile.


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So you were saying....