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Thursday, February 23, 2006

All in good spirit

A conversation:

Me and one of my friends Adam were having a banter.
This is an excerpt of that convo which said it all.

He commented over something that I said,

Me: Oh! so you think whatever I spoke made sense, huh?
Him: Yeah! I think so. You talk sense
Me: Glad that you agree:))
Him: Never mind! Don't women take pride in thinking that they talk sense?
Me: OK! so give me one word that sums up the entire women clan
Me:Oh! Adam, you DO know so much about women!
To which two female secretaries added
"Its a wise answer, Adam. It will keep you happy for the rest of your life"

I thought it was wise of me to just walk away;)
Agreed, women are complicated.
But, who likes an easy life, anyways:P

Comments on "All in good spirit"


Blogger Thanu said ... (2:27 PM) : 

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Blogger Thanu said ... (2:27 PM) : 

I think diff between man and women are so overated. I think we are very similar.


Blogger Rays Of Sun said ... (2:36 PM) : 

I agree..but some men like to exaggerate the differences, neverthless!


Blogger Ujwal said ... (11:15 PM) : 

actually....i think women are like...complex numbers....they have a real part and an imaginary part....however most of the time the imaginary part is the dominant one and hence it cannot be comprehended by real people(read men)...:))


Blogger The Individualist said ... (11:47 PM) : 

Contrary to oft repeated opinions, I, somehow, believe that women are more practical. While men can get swayed over by the emotional side. Men are so simple. They are too emotional. Women are complicated. They are too practical. Ahem. I am a man. And what does the word 'practical' mean, by the way? No clue. :D


Blogger ritzkini said ... (12:13 AM) : 

Avril lavigne..complicated ? or just "complicated" ?


Blogger Virdi said ... (4:05 AM) : 

Thanu and ROS>>> i never exaggerate... i am a nice guy... khi khi khi khi!!!


Blogger PuNeEt said ... (7:20 AM) : 

lolz dear
sweet one

there are some people who dont want complications...
gays ;-)



Blogger R said ... (8:50 AM) : 

Jokes apart, I'm with Thanu.


Blogger Neha Sinha said ... (9:05 AM) : 

//Agreed, woman are complicated.

I am still a GIRL so i won't ponder over this... :D



Blogger Sudeep said ... (10:37 AM) : 

I don't understand why both sexes r discriminated so much.. i mean the differences wise..

women r just a lil' bit more complicated than men.. might be coz they have a more better role to play in this whole universe

do i get applause on this frm all gals atleast..lollzz


Blogger aria said ... (1:26 PM) : 

Hmm .. I would say emotional bitter rude complicated simple etc etc .. all kind of ppl exist on this planet .. n can be from either sex ..
Its a different story tho - that I have only dated complicated men .. who were anything but emotional . .lol


Anonymous Anonymous said ... (3:10 PM) : 

Hmmmmm...Complicated huh. Well, maybe it's becoz we just think in a lot of different angles. Maybe guys are just too lazy to do that :P


Blogger BuD said ... (2:24 PM) : 

Ummm...easy life? ...life??? I thought we were talking about women here .... Women arent everything in life..afterall there is this thing called beer ..;-)


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So you were saying....