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Tuesday, August 21, 2007

Of Geographical Escalations!

So now that I am in Cleveland, I am faced with a typical question.

'So where did you move from'

I reply 'Omaha, Nebraska'

Invitating few stares and few sympathies...

'I am sure you are in much better place NOW'

Wonder what exactly denotes 'better' [but let me get at it sometime later]:P

'So where exactly is Omaha"?

I feel like saying "Go to goggle.com and SEARCH. Better still take a look at the map of USA and you would know where even Vermont, Maine and Alaska are!!!!

But being me...I reply 'If you look at the map of USA, you shall find that Nebraska is right in the middle. The 'Heartland of America'!!!

Ohhh Ok!!! The few who even have an idea of geography, retort 'What did you do in Nebraska, apart from eating corns"?

Whoosh!!! well, how opinionated can one be!

Quite coyly I reply "Ya! trying to get my PhD' you see..'I have better things to do'

"So have you experienced snow before?"

Omaha is just 12 hours by road from Cleveland, you see..so the geographical conditions are not going to differ that much:P

"Alright!! I thought it is some kind of a desert"

NOW! someone indeeed can get on your nerves right?

To scare me further, wait until winter hits you in Cleveland!

Ever since, I disclosed my future 'home' to people, I have been persistently hearing about the cold winters.

Cleveland is located on the Lake Erie..[one of the great lakes]

So there is some phenomenon called as 'Lake effect' And let me not get into the details of it..but the end result is heaps and heaps of snow that falls and STAYS! for as long as winter lasts!!

NOW, having started from rock bottom of the country, Lousiana (which is way down in the south), life took me to right in the middle of the country (Nebraska ) and now to somewhere on the top (Cleveland).!!I hope now I dont land up way up..that is Alaska:P

Hahah!! if only we could correlate geographical escalations to academic escalations:(

In life, sometimes, I hit the rockbottom, sometimes on the top..but I am contended staying in the middle..Thats why, Nebraska will always remain in my heart (right in the middle)!!


Comments on "Of Geographical Escalations!"


Blogger R said ... (11:54 AM) : 

Woman, ME FIRST! :)

More snow would just mean more coffee ;)

Good luck for the academic stuff. Rock hard. :)


Blogger Ujwal said ... (2:21 PM) : 

cool...ur back...!!
cleveland aint too bad...had been there visiting my friends...but yes...the cold factor is freaking biting...but u will be alright...just stay hot!! :P :))
and hey Dr.,good luck for ur new stint!


Blogger Thanu said ... (12:09 AM) : 

Or u cud move to CA and then there will be no snow..ever...


Blogger Sudeep said ... (10:35 AM) : 

i envy u for the snow

btw where exactly is this omaha? :p
doesnt it sound like asking "hey do u know where 'osama' is?" :D


Anonymous Anonymous said ... (10:12 PM) : 

Omaha..somewhere in the middle of america!
Get right to the heart of matters
It's the heart that matters more..

So, wherever you are..it only matters what's in your heart!! may it be Alaska or Arizona!! :)

Just as a part of me will always be in my beloved Pacific Northwest!! :))


Blogger The_Girl_From_Ipanema said ... (8:10 PM) : 

O-maha..somewhere in middle america
Get right to the heart of matters
It's the heart that matters more..

i swear i'm not copying above comment- your post got me singing the same song! :) next time someone asks just break into the song :-)


So you were saying....