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Sunday, November 06, 2005

Present Vs. Future

{Guys, sorry for not checking out your blogs, of what ever time I have got in these 2 days, this is what I managed to churn. I will visit your blogs soon}
Weekend went by in a jiffy! Got to watch this movie "Shopgirl"
**[Warning Notice: For those who are planning on watching this movie, do not read this one.You might want to go watch the movie for yourself. Its worth it!!]**
I don't do reviews, but somehow there was a take home message that touched me!
First of all, the movie had Steve Martin, who despite his age looks Wow!
Talk about aging gracefully:D
The tagline of the movie according to IMDB is "Relationships don't always fit like a glove"
Man, doesn't it sound perfect??
A simple salesgirl is wooed by this wealthy old guy, played by Martin and a musician who is crappy looking but full of life and who is rejected by her.
Well, obviously she is looking for someone who will care for her, protect her and who is a fatherly figure. Martin provides her with all and gifts her the most expensive stuff that she never ever dreamt of. She falls in love with him, and he cares for her but is that what love is all about? Just presenting gifts, romantic dinners and gazing at the sky??
The guy is not looking for a long term thing and she knows it. Still the moment is so magical that all she is thinking of is the present. The future beckons but how can one let go of something that "might" be worthwhile in the end?? Maybe the future has something in store for her..
But, as it goes..and how she puts it across as "I can choose to get hurt now or get hurt later, I think I choose now". It requires great guts to put your feet firmly and state this. I have seen people cling on to relationships, even when it is not going anywhere, only because they do not want to be left alone. All they think of is the present but when you are aware that the future is bleak and might cause much more hurt, then why not just break the ties?? rather than staying on the edge with a constant fear in your mind, speculating where the relationship is heading???
The problem arises, when one individual out of the both, feels more committed than the other.
There is no answer for this. Thinking about the future can destroy the present, which is the only thing that we have in the hand. At the same time, if you choose to go with the flow, you will be unrestrained and later feel remorse..
The best part is the actress chooses to live in the present, with an eye on future!
Martin, likes being with her. When she is gone, he tries to get back with her, he reminisces ever moment he had spent with her, and later agrees that he had loved her too.
What is the point, of the love that goes unnoticed and comes back at a later time, when the other person has moved on??
The guy wanted a part of her, but not her as a complete package. He wanted her to brighten up his present, but not some one who will be his guiding light in the future.
Finally, as it is meant to be, she finds the right one (the musician) who chooses to convert rejection to motivation and wooes her back and loves her for whoever she is.
Thats the beauty of this movie..when you break free from the clutches of the past and welcome the future with open arms.
After all, no person is tailor made for you. You find the perfect pair of glove that suits you the best:)

Comments on "Present Vs. Future"


Blogger Bhole said ... (6:02 PM) : 

Movie ke naam se laga its a chick flick movie....but i guess not.

Relationships are complicated...you have to accept the other person for what s/he is. The sooner you accept the fact the better.

Here's a good read... Relationships.


Blogger Kiran said ... (7:36 PM) : 

Its true that the problem arises if one is more commited than the other... But therz no point in anticipating thingz to be out of hand in future...Martin shud hav been given a break instead...

Anywayzz its tough to comment on a narrated movie...

Besides this...I felt it as conflict b/w coke n pepsi.Ultimately the right choice wins.... Ooops!! sorry coke-fans..



Blogger Thanu said ... (7:36 PM) : 

Relationships are so hard when one is with a wrong person. When u r with the right person for the rite reason (both love each other and are commited) it does fit like a glove.


Blogger Rays Of Sun said ... (7:45 PM) : 




Dont look at it as a movie..would it happen in real, what wd you do?

Wise advice!However, how do you decide what is right..when you are not in love with a person..How do you decide whether a person is right? Its so not easy to conclude if a person is right/wrong..I have never been able to!


Blogger Parth Anand said ... (8:41 PM) : 

Interesting take on relations...but it is so true...have come across many cases where one person is more into it than the other..but then the person who is less committed may have his/her own reasons for not giving the relationship what it calls for...like in this case..martin did realize that he loved her...if only she had waited...
but then also there is a very thin line to cross..if you want to wait for the other person for life...or probably move on...
like she says I can choose to get hurt now or get hurt later, I think I choose now
it aint too simple....but i think in these matters of heart...you should at times use your mind....


Blogger Rays Of Sun said ... (8:51 PM) : 


True..using a little bit of your grey cells can prevent many cracks in your heart:)
Well, Martin did realize but then, sometimes, just loving someone is not sufficient:)You can sit on the shore sulking that the ship just sailed away or you can choose to hop into the ship and sail along..

Women are usually well equipped with the necessary items:D


Blogger Nandya said ... (10:04 PM) : 

i thought it was the most BORING movie ever....i went with three girls for this one...and they all were pissed off at me coz i recommended this movie..and well truly...it just dragged on and well it just sucked...


Blogger Rays Of Sun said ... (10:10 PM) : 

Nandu Bhaiyya!

Read the fine prints..and the underlying meaning..


Blogger Nandya said ... (10:36 PM) : 

believe me i am a very sensitive sole...and when i read the review i thought that it was going to be very

poetic and poignant...

but well..it was a bit of a let down in that sense...that somehow the story cud have been told in 15 mins frankly...



Anonymous Anonymous said ... (11:00 PM) : 

Hey ROS. I haven't seen the movie yet, but still went ahead and read it. And it hasn't spoiled anything. Infact, it has only piqued my curiosity more :-)

There are so many lines of thought on relationships and their complexities. No wonder, it's a great topic for discussion and debate.

For me, nothing like mutual feelings, commitment and the ability to give-in for each other. That really is perfect..

I think, a person fitting like a glove, is still a two-way street. I have to put in something from my side too, to reap the best benefits.

And it IS hard making a decision sometimes, in the face of self-doubts and an uncertain future. It takes faith and courage.


Blogger Phoenix said ... (4:13 AM) : 

I didnt read it


Blogger aria said ... (10:19 AM) : 

Not Bad @ the storyline.
I know I won't watch the movie . .so read the review. I really dunno what to say abt relationships .. all is well that ends well. Hope n wish it happens in real life too.


Blogger Kiran said ... (10:33 AM) : 

Hey Ross!!
I guess every movie is inspired from reality to some extent or in some cases, its a mere coincidence.

If it wud happen in real, I wud not have taken life/time at a stretch.Let it be fragmented. Living in the present with an eye on future...Comm'on, I want to live to the max..

Ummm, I too had hard times in regretting my choice, from which I expected much...


Blogger Rays Of Sun said ... (11:40 AM) : 


Dont you think, almost every story can be narrated in a peroid of less than an hour?? Esp.Hini movies, the same old thing, same old concept and it goes on for 3 n half damn hours.

Yeah! I did not read the review before I went for the movie, so I had no clue what to expect:p

Bulls-eye, girl! Thank god! you read the message that I wished to convey, instead of the movie.
Yeah! it takes two to tango..one cannot make all the contribution from his/her side. Absoultely true.

Girl, I somehow I feel you maintain a blog site, dont you??


You know..I loved "Shall We Dance"..Do you remember, the dialogue Ms. Mitzi says "It was a perfect relationship, never happens twice"

But, that relationship between Gere and Lo is different, its more like a mutual admiration, coz he was very much in love with Susan Sarandon.
@err looking for a life partner :P
No comments:p

:( Woh disclaimer to maine aise hi daal deeya tha..:p

I know we dont really have a say in terms of relationships. Our thought process just gets clear as and when we meet people:)



Anonymous Anonymous said ... (11:54 AM) : 

Relationships are the stuff of life...I cannot imagine anything else that has the potential to cause so much happiness and so much pain...in a person's life.


Blogger Nandya said ... (11:58 AM) : 

This comment has been removed by a blog administrator.


Blogger jeenu said ... (12:20 PM) : 

hey ROS
seems like an interesting movie..will check it out once it come out on DVD :D
well seems like u had a very profound weekend..


Blogger Rays Of Sun said ... (3:12 PM) : 


yeah! neverthless sometimes it is a sweet pain:)


I got your message on my gmail:)
Well, I think the more one person says that there are more things to life other than relationships, its one thing that intrigues everyone and secretly all hope to be in it:)


Weekend was good:)


Anonymous Anonymous said ... (3:51 PM) : 

haha......ROS, thank you, but I am getting all my thoughts out as comments on everyone's blogs, and that too is fun! :-) I don't feel totally prepared to have my own going, but maybe I should not think too much :-)

ROS, yeah, I always get "something out" from a movie (mostly), even if it was not a perfect movie in other senses. Maybe a great line, a touching scene, wonderful background music, or just a profound underlying message... I think every movie is worth watching if we watch with an open mind.


Blogger Rays Of Sun said ... (4:11 PM) : 

Hey Hershey

Perfectly understandable! You should do what you want to do. We all know a little bit of you based on your comments. We are prepared to know you that way too:)

Exactly, my way of watching a movie.I have a small "Movie document" that I maintain where I jot down every piece of dialogue, line, music etc I jot down after watching a movie! its nice to read back, even though I might not follow it at all in rea life!


Anonymous Anonymous said ... (4:30 PM) : 

Wow, that's a great thing to do ROS! I love documenting too....have those old diaries (in tatters now) FULL of such stuff....lots of quotes, poems, pictures, articles etc. Gosh, have lost touch with putting pen to paper now :-) That has such charm!
Even now, everytime I see or hear something that stirs me a certain way, I have this great desire to document it :-) and keep those pieces with me forever.


Blogger Rays Of Sun said ... (5:11 PM) : 

So true:) That is why I am writing this blog..That would continue to enrich me forever.


Anonymous Anonymous said ... (11:49 PM) : 

Looking for information and found it at this great site... » »


So you were saying....