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Saturday, December 10, 2005

Aah! These Women

{Disclaimer: Read at your own risk. This is just my perception and not directed at anybody personally. All this just applies to single and not-so-single ladies and its just about them.Not for married people. Marriage is an altogether different ball game. Never been there. Never done that}
Girls and guys live in a mutual state of co-existence. Sometimes the Martians dont understand the Venesians and vice versa. Nevertheless, the planet earth is beautiful coz of both the genders.
But, the Venesians sometimes, drool over the Martians to such an extent, that it changes the entire equation. Girl wants a guy and guy wants a girl. Its always a symbiotic relationship, but the moment it turns into a parasitic one, there is utter confusion in everyone's life. I am not saying I am a perfect woman or anything, but I do believe that all the below mentioned things are something, I would never do (rather wish, I would never do);)
As said by Susan Sontag " What is beautiful in most women is something masculine"
For eg:-
  • I hate it when women want men to tag along everywhere with them. If guys refuse to go clubbing, whats the harm in going with the other girls??So what, if guys dont want to watch a movie with you on a friday night? Can't you just not watch it with girls? I don't understand, why men need to be a part of all the enjoyment that a woman can very well have without them???
  • I hate it when women stop doing things that they love doing, just coz guys dont find it appealing. I love wearing lipsticks and I look sick if I dont wear it. I wear it only when I go out (that means everyday). I don't want a guy to tell me that I should not be wearing it. Thank you, I know the cons of it, but I can live with that. Your suggestions on the colors are always welcome but the choice of wearing it or not is entirely mine.
  • I hate it when women think that car problems and assembling a furniture should be dealt by guys and only guys. If its your car and you drive it, you should know whats wrong with it and be willing to handle it if something goes wrong. Have few numbers handy instead of waiting for a guy to come show up, to help you with that.
  • I hate it when women attach overimportance to the existence of men in their lives. Well, its always good to think about someone in a special way and to have that special someone, but it does not mean that your thoughts should revolve around that person pepetually. To get paranoid if the guy doesn't call you one day. To do something only to seek attention. Totally uncool. Breathing spaces are absolutely essential. {This one is edited based on previous comments. I think this wording goes well, with what I am trying to say;)}
  • I hate it when women expect men to pay for everything when they go out. Right from the cab to the dessert. Its totally draining on one person's pocket and so not cool. Atleast pay up for the coffee or the dessert or the tip!!
  • I hate it when not-so-single-girls stop interacting with those friends of their own, only coz their guys dont like those friends. This I have seen happen with girls who have close set of guy friends. YOU have the right to choose friends and unless the friend is being bad to your guy, you have absolutely no logic to sever of a close friendship, only coz someone is not comfortable with it. Learn to accept each other's world just the way it is.

Being a woman is a difficult task, no doubt! Coz she has to live with men and still be a woman!

After all "You are young and pretty, there is nothing that you don't have":)

Comments on "Aah! These Women"


Blogger Ar Ar Ar Arrrrr said ... (2:43 PM) : 

Am I first to comment in here?


Blogger Rays Of Sun said ... (2:44 PM) : 

Yes you are:D


Blogger Ar Ar Ar Arrrrr said ... (2:47 PM) : 

I hate it when women consider men to be the beginning and the end of universe.
Are there still wimmen who think like this??

I hate it when women expect men to pay for everything when they go out.
Ohh comeon!!
I think these kinda wimmen are extinct now....

Being a woman is a difficult task, no doubt!
Wimmen are mysterious...thats wht ma experience says :)

Nice post with a warning...
I wanna see how many wimmen bloggers enjoy this one..

Happy weekend ahead!!


Blogger Rays Of Sun said ... (2:54 PM) : 

Guess you are the only up at this hour:D

Well, I am a woman of this century. I write based on my experiences and have seen such girls too! and the women to whom I am refering to, do not read my blogs:))

//I think these kinda wimmen are extinct now....//

Ahan! I would like to think so too, but no! Women dont even ask guys out for coffee sometimes:)) Some girls go by rules and think that way!!

Women are mysterious, I agree.But thats what add spark. It is too boring to be too predictable:)

All my women blogger friends, will like it, coz none of them are this way!


Blogger Ar Ar Ar Arrrrr said ... (2:59 PM) : 

Guess you are the only up at this hour
Yeah...its weird to be awake at this hour infact ;)

the women to whom I am refering to, do not read my blogs
I wonder whether they know wht blog is all about in the first case..hehehe


Blogger Rays Of Sun said ... (3:03 PM) : 


No its not wierd!
Same pinch:D

Its just 2:30 AM on a saturday night. Totally cool to stay up!!

Naah, I think everyone knows what a blog is:)

Happy weekend to you too.


Blogger vi said ... (3:21 PM) : 

Well said Ros!


Blogger Rays Of Sun said ... (3:26 PM) : 


Long time no see, hows you??:0


Anonymous Anonymous said ... (4:39 PM) : 

HAIL ROS...AMEN TO THAT!!! One concurs with all that you have said.


Blogger Rays Of Sun said ... (4:42 PM) : 

Hahaha..Hitlers nephew that you are..You dont seem to get over the "Downfall":))


Blogger vi said ... (5:15 PM) : 

I am good (off to the mall! Long hours during the holidays!) and how are you doing?

BTW, Lipsticks...couldn't do without them :) Your blog reminded me of a very interesting comment...this guy says don't wear lipstick and I ask "why?" "coz, it takes the focus away from your beautiful eyes!"...of course that was forgiven!!!!



Blogger Rays Of Sun said ... (5:25 PM) : 

Lo@ the lipstick guy. Thats an awesome way to put your thoughts acrss. Very few guys can get away by saying that:)) and also a handful of them can comment in that manner:)
So, did you refrain from using lipsticks now:)
P.S-How bout a pic of your eyes;)I am sure this is news for Nandu:p


Blogger Sayesha said ... (8:42 PM) : 

What a post, babe!! Muah! :)

I hate it when these so called 'attached' women have a virtual signboard on their heads that says 'I'm attached. Everything is gonna be different now!' Aaaarghhh!! :@


Blogger vi said ... (8:55 PM) : 

Sigh! That was so long ago! But still remember it!
Of course I didn't stop wearing it! I am currently wearing "Rouge Attraction-Maniac" by Lancome :))



Blogger Virdi said ... (10:55 PM) : 

Vikram & Arzoon...

such kind of women exist in the society today also.. they are everywhere... like a virus to the society...

screw around with your life and they get out of your life "no I have spoilt your life, please leave me alone"

don't know how they can do that... I have no idea...



Blogger aria said ... (6:00 AM) : 

Hehe Nice post Rays :)
Btw I won't mind guys paying for me when we go out :D Some pleasures of being a woman - why not grab it but yeah I'm still too darn unlucky .. haven't found such guy as yet!! Guys these days are smarter :(

Btw I agree - With most of the things you hv said - esp "tagging" along with a guy all the time. I hv had some kewl time clubbing with my girlfrnds - its the perfect time to flirt if you dont hv a guy tagged along but sadly most of my gfs - I hv seen find a guy sooner or later n then gfs take a bck seat. (purely my thots n exp!)


Blogger Kaala Kavva said ... (6:52 AM) : 

awesome post sunrays yaar!

everything is so so true
good yaar

To get paranoid if the guy doesn't call you one day. To do something only to seek attention. Totally uncool

Again! Observed and hated!


Blogger Kaala Kavva said ... (8:06 AM) : 


'TAG SHAG' ko royal ignore maar diya!!!!
v bad! v v bad!!!

(p.s. shag ka english meaning nahi hai)


Blogger Bhole said ... (1:21 PM) : 

There are few women i know who still do some of the things you've listed.


Blogger Rays Of Sun said ... (6:10 PM) : 

Yea! Exactly the ones that say “Hey I have a boyfriend, do you”! Aagh

Wow, I checked that color..never wore a LancomeL
I wear Loreal’s “Chocolate Obsession”:

#Viks & Arzoon
Check the comment by Sheela and Bhole:D

Oye paaji, relax yaar! U find all sorts of people in the world..an assorted blend..you pick the ones that you like;)

I do believe you! Some people say that..

Mermaid, you seem to vanish every now and thenL
Sad, I have always gone clubbing with my girlfriends only (thrice only, that too). We planned one with our guy friends this Friday, which was a failure so this post is a result of thatL

#Z kid
:) Thank you!

Sorry yaar, check your comment space!

Thanks!that answers question by Vikram and Arz00n: )


Blogger Thanu said ... (11:49 AM) : 

WOW, feels so good to married. He can tell me statements like I don't like this lipstick and I won't feel bad. I can make statements like I don't like that shirt. We don't care about who pays b/c its our money, he pays or I pay same thing.


Anonymous Anonymous said ... (1:57 AM) : 

This is very interesting site... » » »


So you were saying....