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Thursday, January 03, 2008

The Kingdom of Hatred

No matter how much we try, we can never like everyone equally.

Its a different thing that we never even consciously try either.

Each one holds a different place in different compartments of our hearts.

But, can we really HATE someone? As far as I am concerned I either end up liking people or disliking them. In some really rare cases, I generally hold a middle ground wherein, I think its best not to opine. As a human being, we all form certain opinions about people, our friends and people with whom we connect on a general level. And most of the times, the opinions that we form are based on our personal experiences with those people. Sometimes, we judge prematurely without realizing that the way the individual has behaved or behaves is probably because of some prior experiences which make him behave the way he does. In other instances, his behavior might be attributed to his inherent personality such that some kinda innate pleasure is sought by belittling someone.

Well, whatever it is. I believe life is too short for giving someone so much importance. After all "hate" is an extreme behavior and am glad I never have had the experience of disliking someone to such extremes.

People may irritate you, they may annoy you, they may get onto your nerves, but they certainly never deserve to be a recipient of such a negative emotion.

Just like the "Sunscreen" puts it, "Remember the compliments you receive, forget the insults":)

I abide by that!!

Comments on "The Kingdom of Hatred"


Blogger Shantanu said ... (4:59 AM) : 

I completely agree with you, people might be irritating, but then I believe that someone can find me irritating as well, its all personal choice an behavior, and I would never want somebody to hate me!



Blogger The_Girl_From_Ipanema said ... (9:43 PM) : 

i _hate_ a few people. hate them so much..aargh! some i have even never met but want to reach into the computer and slap them if i could.

sheesh! i obviously have issues. :p

and you are obviously a noble soul. :p


Blogger Rays Of Sun said ... (12:45 AM) : 

Well, I 'd be surprised if everyone finds everyone appealing:) so its okay if a few people find us irritating...! and I agree none would ever want to be hated!1

#Ipanema Girl,
We hate some people because we don't know them and we don't know them because we hate them"-This is what I believe..


Blogger Satish Bolla said ... (3:04 AM) : 

this post really taught me something.... thanx


Blogger Abhishek Upadhyay said ... (3:20 AM) : 

Yeah thats true.
But I guess 'hate' has become word for disliking or annoying.
When a person says that he hates someone...then I guess,he doesnt mean the extreme 'hate' emotion.May be he just dislikes a person.
When I say I hate my boss...that doesnt mean I want to harm him or I always look for ways to put him in trouble....I just dislike him sometimes.


So you were saying....